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The 🔑 Love

Forgiveness. The best exercise I can say to someone or a situation that snaked on you bad is to Forgive.

And I know you're like okay ho, this is easier said than done.

But it is key 🔑

It is the key 🔑 it is law that you must forgive.

If you crave more Abundance, more Love, more Money, more Laughter, more Happiness Baby you must Forgive. You must create that space for Love & Light to enter.

Anytime we hold onto grudges and Resentment it gets held in our auric field specifically in our heart.

Blocking the Love & Light to come in. The look of resentment and holding onto pain from the past is a Grey musty aura.

That doesn't allow much opportunity for abundance and blessings to enter because it is blocked and lower frequency . We attract what we are not what we want.

The resentment & anger from lack of forgiving the situation or person actually blocks all of the Blessings of Love & opportunities that want to come into your life.

You got to do the work !!!! You got to do the unpacking & give yourself the most beautiful gift of Forgiving.

Forgiving yourself for not knowing better. Forgiving your childhood abuser. Forgiving your bullies. Forgiving your parents for not healing there traumas. The list goes on. How do you know you have not forgiven someone?

When you think of them & still feel pings of anger or malice thoughts towards them. Do not turn sinister or vengeful. Revenge is for the weak. The strong forgive heal move on and be Happy. No person walking this earth is worth your Light or room taking room up in your head or your heart.

Forgive to give yourself the life of your dreams & all of the beautiful delicious experiences this beautiful world has to offer!! This world is so Beautiful & Abundant and there is so much to embrace and taste and experience!

Thank you Creator for this Abundant Gorgeous World 🙏🏽🤎💟

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